What Cigar Savvy Australia does:
This site lists regularly updated pricing and availability information from 11 Australian sites, in alphabetical order they are: Alexander’s, Cigar Box, Cigar Hut, Cigar World, Corporate Cigar, Devlin’s, Firmin Cigar, Sam’s Smokes, Sydney Cigar House, The Index, and Ubercigar.
Update frequency:
It takes about 5 hours for a refresh to complete, but since things don’t change that fast, I typically only run a refresh once a month. If you notice something is out of date or wrong, use the contact page and I will get it fixed.
Retailers listed:
It takes a fair amount of work to add a site, as everyone formats their pages differently, which is why only eleven sites are listed. If you feel a site should be added, let me know on the contact page and I will work on adding it if feasible - it depends on how crawler-friendly that site is.
What Cigar Savvy Australia doesn’t do:
This site just helps with price and availability. There are other factors you should consider, such as how the product is stored, packaged, and shipped, and the site’s reputation for service and authenticity. Inclusion in the listings here is not an indication on any of those factors, so research those for yourself.
Why it exists:
I created the site as I am a fan of the price comparison site staticice.com.au when shopping for electronics, and noticed this was a service missing for the cigar market. I want people to avoid being overcharged, without abandoning the Australian industry. This site is not monetised in any way.
Who I am:
My name is Oliver, I used to post a manually updated price comparison Google sheet in the Reddit and Facebook cigar communities, this site is the successor to that. My day job is at one of the sites crawled, but this is an independent project I’ve worked on in my free time. This site just lists all the products listed on a page’s sitemap and the price and availability reported by that site, so shouldn’t be affected by any of my biases.